Saturday, February 5, 2011


As Dave Bowman is lying in bed, waiting to die he does that rather unusual hand gesture, well if we look back in ancient times that particular hand gesture is based on a symbol. Ancient Symbol referring to the HOLY TRINITY, and please don't get confused; I am not referring about the Christian formant of the Holy Trinity - but this Christian concept is based on this same ideology. Holy Trinity - 3 Father, Mother & Son are all the concept of number three (3) Father=Beginning, Mother=Middle & Son=End. You see you find this formant even in the first Matrix movie - you have Morpheus as the father, Trinity as the mother and Neo as the Son. Morpheus begins by searching of the ONE (Savior/Messiah) while in the process puts together a team while searching for the ONE - finds a middle ground with Trinity fore she is the second in command of the team & ship, then you have Neo - the end. When I say end I don't mean end of the world, an end to the evil, corruption and enslavement of the human race, and from there the human race & civilization is reborn. That was the purpose for Neo, the Son equals the END helps to have the Human race reborn (explains why there are 3 Matrix movies).

That is the process of three (3) its creation, death, resurrection, rebirth or renewal; Now standing before Bowman as he lies on his death bed, he sees the mysterious Monolith (I will go in brief detail, since this is a lengthy subject will discuss on next Blog Mathematics), the Monolith is Black Rectangle object. Once again in Ancient Times, shapes such as triangle, squares, cubes and spheres are noted to be the conception of God, you see shapes and numbers all go hand in hand, they work together (unlike what we have been taught in American schools public or private), its all the basics of Mathematics.

The color of the rectangle/square Monolith is BLACK, now unfortunately the color black has been a very negative, nasty and evil racist view mainly used to describe Black People or African-Americans. So in the Metaphysical World Black is seen very negative, mainly done on purpose to stir folks away from the truth.  Truth is Black in Metaphysics terms stands for resurrection & mystery (besides from darkness & death) just like number three (3) the Black Monolith represents the same ideology - resurrection/rebirth/renewal and mystery that is God or mysteries of life. So Bowman is reborn or evolved into a being of Higher Conscious one reason why is Bowman recognizes his purpose and his role in the universe - next step while entering death is being reborn or resurrected into something Wonderful his potential is the Star-Child.

You see 2001 Space Odyssey serves metaphor for Humanity, we can evolve into higher beings of Light (Conscious) that we have awesome potential to grow and evolve, that our DNA posses overwhelming feats of knowledge, if we only know how to access it or know that it even it exists. But how can Humanity know of its greatness when evil forces work against, thanks to the Illuminati/Global Elite/Corp. America/Big Banks/Wall Street/Federal Reserve (which is a privately owned bank made up of groups of banks American & European) and the Government (who work on behalf of banks & mega corporations) control and suppress people putting folks against each other over skin color, religion and economic status. Then all the crap dumped in the food, water (fluoride is poison stay away from it look up Alex Jones on go to his search option type FLUORIDE read his vast data on fluoride) those fools that work for that government installation know as HARRP in Alaska screwing around with the human mind - just look at all the homosexuality that's popping up (please this is not gay bashing) one must ask the question is the free will of the individual or the will of outside forces, playing with the hand of God or Tempting the Hand of Fate, you have to wonder. Just like in DC Comics Identity Crisis - written by Brad Meltzer believe it or not same guy is the host of the TV Show Decoded.

How can we access our potential when Humans are going through this identity crisis brought on by these evil forces manipulating our thoughts and then many foolish Humans playing into this sick unreal Matrix game making civilization suffer more. Point is we can't, cause the Crisis we are all in just like in DC Comics the Final Crisis - the world is cast in madness and despair, you its like a chess game (as a good friend of mine explained this to me). We the Humans are the Pawns on the board so we die first we are the one's that suffer over and over again, as we are reincarnated into toilet bowl of mess we keep swimming in, but refuse to acknowledge. Rook is the Government, Bishop is the religious institutions (Islam, Judaism & Christianity all the same); Knight is the Military/Police/Law Enforcement, King and Queen are the Global Elite running the whole show, as I explained to my friend the Pawns can over turn the game if we all choose to WAKE UP!! and fight those controlling the game i.e. the King & Queen.

But as long as we continue to dwell in these low bands of frequencies and low range of fields of conscious, we Humans will never grow or evolve or grow any smarter. We will continue to repeat this same filth over and over again, you see we throw off the chains of despair and depression, like the peaceful protest which has taken place in Egypt on January 25th 2011 up till now we need to WAKE UP!  and fight against this oppressive system. When we do AWAKEN, like Bowman said to Dr. Floyd that something "Wonderful is about to happen" and it did in 2010: The year we make Contact - a new sun was born, a second sun - a galactic sun (star) of this universe. Look up a show on aired 11/18/10 entitled Planet X & Pole Shift - guest is Gordon James Gianninoto - were he talks of two suns now our Earth is orbiting his photo clearly shows two suns. But it is hard to see at sunrise cause the sun is so bright or maybe at sunset, depends where on planet Earth you located or with special equipment. So in year 2010 we made contact, (no pun intended) some photos & video on Google Video shows two suns, if they haven't been taken down yet or tagged hoax (another we must keep under consideration is this strange star is it the returning Nibiru, that the late Zecharia Sitchin, don't know? Maybe?)


Thank you for reading my Blog, more is yet to come;

Pisces (Star-Child)

Saturday, January 29, 2011



As we get near the to the date of 2012 lots of remarkable info pours our way, some of its good some not so good. Most of the data one does hear can be confusing and often times misleading but its like what the Oracle said in all 3 of the Matrix Movies "You'll have to make up your own damned mind."

With all the information and misinformation bursting from everywhere like a dam, its easily, to become confused. But some information isn't always confusing, its only made to make us HUMANS appear to be or to assume to be confusing. Its like reading between the lines, that's where you find truth and information, certain movies, books, TV shows, news cast and music video can reveal information or inspiration.

Just like you find in the movie by Stanley Kubrick based on the Arthur C. Clarke book 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY. Still to this day many people don't understand the message in what Clarke and Kubrick were trying to relate, you see we Americans get hung up on (when it regards to space movies) ACTION all the intense battle or the hot passionate lust of porn SEX - but mainly sex and violence is what sells in America regards to movies and TV show. The best example I can give you is HBO True Blood, all you see is sex and violence - whether it be vampires or humans its all sex and violence.

Now when it comes to such movies like a 2001: A Space Odyssey we treat it as being boring and for lack of a better word, alien. That is because we Humans have been condition to believe in such nonsense, that anything which make you think or question more in life is crazy. Don't get hung up on the Ape Men or Hal the lunatic computer, concentrate on the end of the movie, as Bowman is lying on the bed waiting to die.