Saturday, January 29, 2011



As we get near the to the date of 2012 lots of remarkable info pours our way, some of its good some not so good. Most of the data one does hear can be confusing and often times misleading but its like what the Oracle said in all 3 of the Matrix Movies "You'll have to make up your own damned mind."

With all the information and misinformation bursting from everywhere like a dam, its easily, to become confused. But some information isn't always confusing, its only made to make us HUMANS appear to be or to assume to be confusing. Its like reading between the lines, that's where you find truth and information, certain movies, books, TV shows, news cast and music video can reveal information or inspiration.

Just like you find in the movie by Stanley Kubrick based on the Arthur C. Clarke book 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY. Still to this day many people don't understand the message in what Clarke and Kubrick were trying to relate, you see we Americans get hung up on (when it regards to space movies) ACTION all the intense battle or the hot passionate lust of porn SEX - but mainly sex and violence is what sells in America regards to movies and TV show. The best example I can give you is HBO True Blood, all you see is sex and violence - whether it be vampires or humans its all sex and violence.

Now when it comes to such movies like a 2001: A Space Odyssey we treat it as being boring and for lack of a better word, alien. That is because we Humans have been condition to believe in such nonsense, that anything which make you think or question more in life is crazy. Don't get hung up on the Ape Men or Hal the lunatic computer, concentrate on the end of the movie, as Bowman is lying on the bed waiting to die.